To look up our class schedule & book a class, please click on the link below. If this is your first time here please visit the purchase page to register for your first class. You must register AFTER you purchase your first class pass. If you click the "sign up and pay" button below you still need to register for which class you want AFTER the purchase page. After you have purchased your first class pass and registered for your first class, you can then create an account, Tula should ask you at some point to create a password for your email, so be sure to do that instead of checking out as a guest. Once your account has been created, next time you want to sign up, you simply have log in to your Student Account on Tula by inputing your password, click on the class you want to book from the calendar (i.e. Aerial Yoga Basics @ 9 am), register, and you will automatically be added to the class list.